The filtration media is a high performance felt metal by the Tecmefilter corporation … TECMEFELT … a porous metal with exceptional strength and filtration properties. TECMEFELT is a ductile stainless steel sheet metal structure of randomly arranged micronic stainless steel fivers which have been compressed and securely sintered into a strong, precisely controlled and migration free porous sheet. Type 316 stainless steel is the standard material with other materials available on special order.
The microphotograph displays the geometrical arrangement of the long micronic fibers which are entwined and sintered together to form a three dimensional and labyrinthian structure of continuously interconnected pores. A free flowing high open area structure due to the use of extremely small micronic fibers and a great contaminant storage capacity structure due to its three dimensional geometry.
TECMEFELT … THICK to give depth filtration and high contaminant capacity … FLEXIBLE to withstand high pressure surges without damage … STRONG to resist high pressure drop without tearing … HIGHLY POROUS to give low pressure drop and high flow.
TECMEFELT provides the known and proven advantages of depth filtration with micronic stainless steel felt PLUS a wide material selections PLUS cost advantages from the application of modern production techniques.